Project Erasmus+ „Customs and Traditions in Europe as an Educational Concept for Preschool and Primary Education“ 


Introduction Mobilities Results Media

Thirteenth project meeting

The final project meeting in Hoorn took place from 12 to 15 June 2017. The highlight of this meeting was the final conference which was aimed at evaluation of project outcomes and benefits for all participating organisations. Last but not least, the book about customs and traditions in the Czech Republic and Holland was presented. Electronic version of this book will be available on the web pages of both municipalities. During the conference, another artephiletic workshop was held. The method of artephiletics was totally new tour Dutch partners and they were really interested in this concept. Beyond the frae of this project they are going to have the Czech version of this book translated into Dutch and in the future they are going to organise artephiletic workshops on their own. The project life cycle is at the very end, nevertheless we believe that the cooperation and partnership will continue with another Erasmus+ project and the cooperation between Pribram and Hoorn, which reached an anniversary of 25 years, will develop in a positive way.