Project Erasmus+ „Customs and Traditions in Europe as an Educational Concept for Preschool and Primary Education“

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Time period: September 2014 – August 2017

Partners in the Czech Republic: Municipality Příbram, Waldorfská škola Příbram - základní a střední škola, Základní škola pod Svatou Horou, Mateřská škola Jana Drdy, Mateřská škola Klubíčko, Mateřská škola Perníková chaloupka, Mateřská škola Bratří Čapků, Mateřská škola Školní, Vzdělávací institut středočeského kraje

Partners in Holland: Municipality Hoorn, Bernardus van Bockxmeerschool, Stichting Kinderopvang Hoorn, Stichting Netwerk

Project number: 2014 - 1 - CZ01 -  KA201 - 002083

The municipality of Příbram succeeded with its grant application in the frame of a new European programme Erasmus+.  The project has the title Customs and Traditions in Europe as an Educational Concept for Preschool and Primary Education. Partners on Czech side include five kindergartens, two elementary schools and the educational institute of the Central Bohemian region. Partners on the Dutch side include the municipality of Hoorn and its two schools and an educational institute Stichting Netwerk. This project is an international project and its goal is to encourage cooperation of different European regions, to present European traditions and customs and to develop professional competences of involved teachers.  The outcomes of this project include a methodical reference book, reflecting the results of the project, based on the methods of Artephiletics and Waldorf pedagogy. Cultural diversity, customs and traditions are key topics of this project and their analysis will deepen the cooperation of both partner cities Přibram and Hoorn, which was started in 1992. During the international meetings, the participants will have the opportunity to learn about the educational systems in partner regions. The project is funded from the six-year EU programme Erasmus+.

This project is based on the method of Artephiletics. Artephiletics is a modern educational approach concentrating on development of communication, reflection and critical thinking connected with active learning and experiences though artistic activities. The children perform their experiences through an art product (painting, music, drama, etc.) Finally, they discuss about their feelings in a group. They describe what they succeeded in, what was a failure, what they liked or disliked and why. Unconsciously they learn about culture an art, about painters and other artists.

Besides that, this project deepens and develops pedagogical competences of all involved participants and helps to innovate the Educational frame programmes in pre-school and primary education, especially in the branch of art and culture, encouraging the personal, social and cultural developments of pupils through expressive and communication activities.   

 Last but not least, this project develops pedagogical openness toward reflective practice, such as the methods of analysis and assessment of educational processes.